10 Reasons to Choose KRI Teacher Training
When you make the big decision to become a certified yoga teacher, you are faced with many options. If Kundalini Yoga is your calling, then the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) is the place to be! KRI is the only official training organization that promotes the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®. A dedicated team of experienced yoga professionals administer the KRI Aquarian Teacher Program in over 50 countries and 22 languages worldwide.
Here are 10 good reasons to choose KRI for your training:
- KRI offers the only approved teacher training programs in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®.
If you read the fine-print, you will find that other programs may result in an ancillary certification, but not KRI certification. By choosing a KRI certified program, you will receive training that is taught by KRI licensed Teacher Trainers who have completed many years of in-depth practice and study to achieve their KRI training credentials. Most importantly, only KRI certified Level One Teacher Training fulfills the prerequisite requirements to continue with Level Two and Level Three training.
- International standards and certification levels assure that all programs deliver the same quality – no matter where you take the training.
The KRI teacher training program is a standardized system of three certification levels, each building on the other. You will find the same quality curriculum and depth of information wherever in the world you choose to complete your program. Graduates of Level One are internationally certified by KRI as an Instructor of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®, are registered with the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association, and fulfill the Yoga Alliance RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) 200-hour requirement. Level One certification gives you the foundation and pre-requisites for continuing onto the Level Two Practitioner Program, which give you RYT 500 Level approval by Yoga Alliance. After completing KRI Level Two training you qualify to go onto KRI Level Three Teacher Certification.
- You will always find top quality Teacher Trainers who have the depth of knowledge and experience required to guide you.
All KRI Teacher Trainers have successfully completed a comprehensive and in depth Professional Development Program. Aspiring new Teacher Trainers must have completed over 500 hours of study and have taught a minimum of 500 -1000 hours of Kundalini Yoga. Only then may they begin as Interns working closely with a mentor, and then progress over time to become designated by KRI as Associate, Professional, and eventually Lead Trainers. Trainers are assessed at every stage by thorough interviews and international certification committees on their competence and qualifications before progressing to the next designation. These dedicated teachers are committed to delivering the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® with integrity and sensitivity.
- Level One Teacher Training curriculum was developed over many by dedicated and experienced teachers and trainers.
Taught in over 50 countries and 22 languages, the Level One KRI Teacher Training Program is an interactive 220-hour program. The training is supported by a comprehensive and well-organized textbook called The Aquarian Teacher and a companion text called The Master’s Touch. Program time is made up of 180 hours of classroom time and teaching practicums plus 40 hours of home study and practice, scheduled over a minimum of six months. This training offers a profound learning and growth process through a combination of study, personal practice, and experience that include sound and mantra, use of breath, practice of kriyas, postures and exercises, relaxation and meditation, Sadhana practice (daily practice), Yogi Bhajan videos and discussion, and more.
- You are given one-on-one trainer support each step of the way to make sure you get what you need and help you complete the program.
Teacher training programs are offered only by KRI licensed Lead Trainers who, together with their team of teacher trainers and interns, are available both during and outside class time to provide one-on-one support, guidance, and encouragement to students. The deep experience of these trainings is likely to impact you on every level. Whether you have questions about a study topic, are experiencing an emotional response, or just need to talk, having this type of personalized support is invaluable to your process of becoming a Kundalini Yoga teacher.
- There is continuing support for you as a teacher and a student, long after you receive your teacher certification.
After achieving graduation and certification as a Level One Instructor, continuing to have the support of mentors and peers will be as important as ever. Venturing out as a new yoga teacher can be challenging and being able to connect with experienced teachers is a vital resource. Many times, students will have completed a program that has a Lead Trainer or other members of the training team who live in the student’s local area or region. Often these supportive relationships, whether local or long distance, extend beyond the end of a program as an outcome of the strong commitment that KRI’s trainers bring to their role as teachers.
- Certification qualifies you for membership in a professional association of Kundalini Yoga teachers that is a valuable networking opportunity.
All graduates of Level One trainings are automatically registered as first year members with the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA) based in the U.S. or with a national affiliate Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association, if one is established in their country of residence. Having membership in IKYTA or your national association provides a continuing source of professional support, resources for further development, local and global networking with other teachers, and more. IKYTA also serves as the primary regulatory body that upholds the professional standards and practices and ethical conduct for KRI certified Kundalini Yoga teachers. Click here or more information about IKYTA. (Link to www.ikyta.org)
- Deepen your development as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher with a three-level approach to certification.
The three Levels of KRI’s teacher training program are designed to help you continually expand your depth and breadth as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. Level One gives you the foundation, principles and practices of Kundalini Yoga and a yogic lifestyle, and prepares you to lead your own classes in Kundalini Yoga.Building on Level One, Level Two is about personal transformation and deepening your core capacities, character, and consciousness as a Kundalini Yoga teacher. The yogic capacities of intuition, neutrality, and self-assessment are cultivated through the five mirrors of consciousness, each of which constitutes a program module that is part of Level Two certification as a Practitioner. These five programs are Conscious Communication, Mind and Meditation, Authentic Relationships, Lifecycles and Lifestyles, and Vitality and Stress.Level Three is a 1,000-day commitment to Realization of the Teacher within, through engagement with spiritual community, deep meditation, and service (seva). Seeded in Level One and Level Two, the three qualities of Spiritual Maturity, Meditative Mind, and Seva are deeply integrated and form the core of the Level Three experience which challenges you to live the authentic life you were meant to live.
- KRI maintains adherence to ethical and professional standards throughout the international community of Kundalini Yoga teachers and Teacher Trainers.
KRI certified instructors agree to professional standards of conduct and ethics that guide the actions of all KRI instructors and Teacher Trainers. This code of ethics helps sustain the integrity of KRI trainings as well as certified instructors, and provides protection and recourse for yoga students, Kundalini Yoga communities, and other teachers and Trainers. Knowing KRI’s unwavering commitment to ethics and standards of conduct, you will always be proud to be a KRI certified yoga instructor!
- KRI offers a wide selection of resources for both teachers and students to continually expand and deepen their teaching practice.Complementing the teacher training program, KRI offers a wealth of resources through its publishing and online services. A vast array of books, eBooks, and DVDs are available on every aspect of Kundalini Yoga and the yogic lifestyle providing teaching tools and knowledge for yourself and your yoga students. Helpful customer service staff can be reached via phone or email to answer your questions and provide guidance and recommendations.
Be Part of the Global Kundalini Yoga Teacher Community!
Become a Kundalini Yoga teacher and join with many thousands of teachers around the world in serving humanity through the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®. KRI Level One Teacher Training, whether taken all at once during Immersion training or participating in a six-month class, is like no other. There are many KRI programs to choose from, all over the world, so make time in your life and get started on this great adventure. See you in class!