Guru Preet / Annette Visser
Annette Visser, spiritual name Guru Preet Kaur, has been practicing Kundalini Yoga since 1987. In 2000 she started teaching Kundalini Yoga and from 2008 she is involved as an assistant at the Level 1 and Level 2 trainings by lead trainer Gurumarka Singh Khalsa.
She is a Level 3 KRI certified Kundalini Yoga teacher. Currently she has the status of Pre Lead Trainer in the Aquarian Trainer Academy.
Besides her work as Kundalini Yoga teacher, she is a Human Resources specialist, enneagram trainer and jobcoach.

Sujan Prem / Maarten van Bijsterveld
Sat Nam,
As a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, my mission is to let people experience how this yoga form can contribute to personal growth and transformation. I strive to teach Kundalini Yoga in a practical and accessible way, so that you not only grow yourself, but also learn how to inspire and guide others in their development.
In the Level 1 Teacher Training, I guide students in their journey of discovery, focusing on their unique qualities and talents as a person and as an aspiring teacher. Besides my role in the training, I teach yoga classes specifically for men, run workshops for companies and offer individual guidance to professionals looking for more balance and focus.
In addition to my work in yoga, I work as a business consultant. I help SME entrepreneurs optimise their organisation and combine this business expertise with my knowledge of yoga and personal development. This unique mix gives me a broad perspective on life and motivates me to constantly strive for balance and awareness in everything I do.
My partner Monique and our three children, Jasper, Roos and Julian, form the core of my life. In my spare time, I enjoy boxing, chess and reading, which in their own way help me stay sharp both physically and mentally.

Hari Har Ji
Hari Har Ji is a KRI certified Kundalini Yoga teacher registered with KYTA UK and IKYTA, the national and international Kundalini Yoga Teachers Associations. She is an international Mentoring Lead Teacher Trainer with the Aquarian Training Academy (ATA) with more than 25 years’ experience. She has trained teachers in the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Russia and China over many years and teaches her own intensive workshops in the UK and Europe.

Shanti Kaur
In late 1997, Shanti Kaur encountered Kundalini Yoga, and experienced an immediate positive impact on her thoughts and well-being through Breath-of-Fire. This experience changed her focus and passion. As longtime student of Tai Chi Chuan and Zen Buddhism, she transitioned to the teachings of Kundalini Yoga of the KRI.
Shanti Kaur is a licensed KRI Kundalini Yoga Level 3 Teacher & ATA Professional Mentoring Trainer. She has been teaching Kundalini Yoga since 2002, studying Level 1 and 2 with Gurumarka Singh’s DIVINE HUMAN School and Karta Singh AMS. This was followed by years of assisting at the Divine Human School.
Shanti Kaur studies and practices the meditative healing art of ‘Sat Nam Rasayan’ (among others with Guru Dev Singh since 2003). The Gatka and Gong play (Nanak Dev Singh from 2005-2014) as well as Yoga with children and teenagers are parts of her field of activity.
Shanti Kaur, M.A. Cultural Studies, regularly teaches Kundalini Yoga courses, workshops and trainings as well as in ‘person-to-person settings’ both online and analog.
She is also active as a systemic consultant, business coach and communication trainer (DVNLP).

Atma Ranpriya / Marija Westerlaken
Sat Nam, my name is Marija, my spiritual name Atma Ranpriya Kaur. My background is in education, training & coaching. I worked in education for 20 years and as an independent trainer in business for 10 years. In 2019, I completed Level 1 at Divine Human and immediately moved on to Level 2. In 2020, I completed the Business Yoga coach training.
Meanwhile, I dedicate my life entirely to yoga: I teach classes, both in studios, training courses and in business and schools. I also host and conduct workshops and yoga retreats. All the disciplines of my working life come together; I could not imagine a more beautiful and meaningful work than this. It is wonderful and moving to see how much progress participants make. I myself still experience the enormous benefits of Kundalini Yoga every day; physically, mentally and energetically. It helps me, and therefore those around me, to go through life well and healthy. And I wish that to everyone!

Giandev Kaur / Irène Hendrix
When Giandev Kaur (Irène Hendrix) by coincidence discovered Kundalini Yoga in 2010, it became clear to her that this was what she wanted to do with her life. She followed the KRI certified Level 1 and Level 2 teacher training with Gurumarka Singh Khalsa and currently she is doing the Level 3 training.
Besides teaching weekly classes in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, she has been working with Gurumarka at the Level 1 trainings. She followed a training in Yoga Therapy with Guru Dharam, gained more knowledge by following a diverse set of workshops and trainings (f.e. gong) by different Kundalini Yoga teachers and is always interested in learning from other yoga forms.